If my account offers someone else even a sliver of hope after a traumatic brain injury, no matter how it occurred, then that is all I can ask for.
Jessica Stevens
‘I’m Jessica Stevens; I have a B.A. in English and Drama, and an M.A. in English Literature.
When I was 25 years old, I sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI).
I wrote my book to offer hope and support to those who have been affected by a brain injury in any way.
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What I’ve been up to
The Behavioural Activation Cycle
Once you have had a brain injury, it can become incredibly difficult to organise your thoughts or actions in a logical way (though luckily, I’ve always been a bit of a control freak anyway). I definitely struggle with “brain fog”...
MAPLES study participation
Through Twitter, I discovered that a lady called Andrea (a student at Cambridge University) needed volunteers for her study on brain injuries. I reached out to her to say I would be willing to participate and become a part of her work. Anything I can personally do to...
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
I’m not even sure which week of lockdown (or supposed “partial lockdown”) the UK is even in now… 10-11? The weeks and days are all blurring into one and life is currently an endless stream of mind-numbing repetition. Personally, I am finding it particularly hard at...
Coronavirus: staying mentally strong through tough times
I really can’t think of an opener for this post. The world seems to have tipped completely upside down, backwards and inside out after the onset of the seemingly instantaneous Covid-19. Did any of us ever expect to see this kind of pandemic in our lifetimes? It’s...
Lions and rhinos and camels, oh my!
I have a huge box full of my medical files, which were due to be used as evidence when my case went to court. Thankfully this never came to pass. Even though I will likely never need anything from these files, I can’t ever seem to find a decent middle ground between...
Because who doesn’t need a second book launch…
Kim was my lawyer for my personal injury claim; on Wednesday 24 April, she held a second book launch party for me at Boyes Turner’s office in Reading! This was very kind of her, and I hope it helped generate some further interest in my book. I reused my poster from my...
I am now a published author!
My book was officially published on Tuesday 26th March! Many thanks to everyone who has purchased it, I hope you have found it helpful (or at least vaguely entertaining) in some way. I know we’re about two weeks down the line from the launch date now, but I just...
Visit to London’s Air Ambulance
I have been speaking to a lovely lady called Philippa, who is the patient liaison manager for London's Air Ambulance. She arranged for me and Ryan to visit the helipad to meet everyone and take photos! It was of course the windiest day of my life, so I enjoyed...
Headway featured article!
I'm so excited and proud that Headway, the brain injury association, featured me on their website! Read all about it here
Book launch update…
So, I thought I would get severe writer’s block if I tried to write blog entries but, now I’ve started this one, I can’t seem to stop... My book is finally in the very last stages of the publishing process (the cover design, page layout etc are all being completed for...